1. Name and Objective
The Club, founded in 2013, shall be named Brixworth Tennis Club and shall have for its objects the provision of lawn tennis and social facilities for its Members.
2. Constitution
The Club is constituted by these Rules as a non-profit making Members’ Club. In no circumstances during the continuance of the Club, nor after its dissolution, shall any assets or surplus funds be distributed to any Member or other person nor to any organisation which is not itself either constituted as non-profit making or as a charity.
3. Membership
The types of member are:
Tiny Tots
Prospective new members are welcome. Membership capacity shall be decided by the Committee and will be agreed by the Annual General Meeting.
Junior members may only play during designated Club times if their playing standard is accepted as adequate by the Committee.
Junior members up to the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
4. Subscriptions
The subscription year runs from 1 April to the 31 March.
Subscriptions at the given rates are payable to the Treasurer by 30 April. Any member not paying by 1 May will not be entitled to benefits of membership until he/she has paid, and if he/she has not paid by 31 May shall cease to be a member.
Subscription enables members to:
- Play without further Court fees at any time, except matches,
- Participate in all Club activities and tournaments,
- Represent the Club in matches.
Subscription rates shall be reviewed annually and changes proposed for the ensuing year shall be approved by the Annual General Meeting.
With the exception of junior group coaching, anyone using the courts must be a member.
No refunds will be provided.
5. Accountancy Year
Except for the purposes of subscriptions, the Club’s Financial Year shall run from 1 November to 31 October and the accounts submitted to the Annual General Meeting shall be prepared accordingly.
6. Management
The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Committee consisting of a Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, and at least two other members to be elected annually at an Annual General Meeting. Three members shall form a quorum. In the event of equality of voting the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
The Committee shall make and revise the Club’s regulations, and shall decide upon any matter not provided for in these Rules, and the current Regulations. The Committee shall meet at least four times per year.
7. General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting will be held every year, where previous meeting minutes, Committee reports, Treasurers Audited accounts for the year are presented, and officers elected for the ensuing year.
Any member may propose a resolution at the AGM by sending a copy to the Secretary at least seven days before the meeting.
Junior Members are entitled to be present at the AGM but are not entitled to vote.
An extraordinary General Meeting can be called by the Committee, with one month’s notice, or by a submission to the Chairman of a point for discussion if signed by 25% of voting members.
In the event of any tied voting situation the Chairman will have the casting vote.
Only fully paid up Members may vote at an AGM or EGM.
8. Suspension or Expulsion
The Committee shall have power to terminate or suspend the membership of any Member or to exclude any Member or Visitor whom it considers guilty of a breach of these Rules or of misconduct or offensive behaviour to any other Member, Visitor or Employee, whether on the Club’s premises or elsewhere.
9. Visitors and Temporary Members
Visitors may be introduced by any Member but only one visitor per member is allowed at any one Club session. Each adult membership category entitles members to bring a visitor up to four times per subscription year per household. i.e. a Family membership entitles that family to bring a visitor up to four times per subscription year. Any visitors must also be accompanied by an adult member.
10. General Affairs
Any matters relating to the Club Affairs or Rules must be referred to the Committee for discussion and adjudication.
11. Injury and Loss of Property
Members or Visitors leaving unattended vehicle’s, rackets, clothing or other property at the Club do so at their own risk, and the Club shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury resulting from this or any other cause.
12. Rules and Regulations
All members shall be deemed conversant with the rules & regulations. The Rules shall not be altered except at a general meeting after due notice, and then only provided that two-thirds of those present and voting are in favour. The Regulations shall be made and periodically revised by the Committee.
13. Data Protection
Members contact’ information may be used from time to time for the purposes of notifying members of club information and news. If members do not wish to be contacted, please inform a member of committee. Membership information will not be passed to any third party or be used for any other purposes other than keeping you informed of club activities and information. Date of births for under 18s are only required to ensure the correct subscription categories are adhered to. We collect and process all personal data in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.
1. Tennis Dress
Players must wear correct tennis dress at all times. In order to preserve the court surface, it is important that correct tennis foot wear is used at all times.
2. Club Play
Players are expected to mix in at all times.
In the event of a score of five games all, a tie break procedure will be followed a procedure for which is given below.
The Club has use of the courts, only at the times shown below, for club sessions. At other times, the courts should be booked via the booking system.
Fridays 6pm to dusk (all members)
Tie-Break Rules
The tie-break normally comes into play when the score reaches 6 all, but at Club times shall be played at 5 all.
At the start of the tie-break, the player whose turn it is to serve next serves one point from the Deuce (right-hand side) court. The players then serve in rotation in the same order that they have been serving in throughout the set, with each player serving for two points, first from the Advantage court and then from the Deuce court.
The tie-break is scored in single points i.e. 1 love, 2 love etc. And the players change ends after every six points.
The tie-break ends with one side scoring a predetermined number of points (usually 7), with a two clear points lead.
At Club sessions, the winner is the first to seven points, a two point lead is not required.
When playing a tie-break during matches, at the end of the tie-break the player or pair who served first in the tie-break receive serve in the next set.